Saturday, December 16, 2006

Do You Know Pete Cho?

It started so simple. A guy I work with drinks a lot of coffee. I bug him about it. A lot. It seems that I am not the only who has tried to get him to quit the habit.

My friend made the mistake of telling me that he has a group of friends that want to accomplish the same thing. One problem: he won't tell me who they are.

So, the point of this blog is this: Do you know Pete Cho?

Now, I don't want to give away his identity outright, because that wouldn't be fun.
So, here is your first hint:

This Pete Cho has a fondness for hats.

If you think you know this Pete Cho, leave a comment.
Next hint will be next week.


Beakerz said...

Will the real Pete Cho please stand up?

Anonymous said...

I am spartacu....

Pete Cho